Centrum dohody

We provide professional services for soft skills training, coaching and facilitation. The outstanding abilities of our consultants make us one of the best suppliers of corporate change projects, corporate culture analysis, management programs and consultations in our market.

What clients say about us?

“Thank you for the beneficial information, which I will use both in my professional and personal life. I will definitely reflect on my attitude in order to have more positive moments and situations in my life.”

Multiscan, Conflict Prevention


We have joined Erasmus+ project "We learn each other"

Centrum dohody is involved in the Erasmus+ project "We learn each orther" with slovakian organisation Asociace lektorov a kariérních poradcov (ALKP), which will run from May 2022 to November 2023. We are preparing a mentoring training for a group of advanced ALKP trainers, which will be followed by a training for graduates. Our trainers will be trained by ALKP experts on media and marketing communications targeting skills development in the digital world. The project will thus contribute to increasing professionalism in the work of both organisations.

more information

Leadership and managerial skills development

Trainings for managers and for employees with a leadership potential constitutes the largest part of our services. Our team includes experienced managers, as well as partners to successful executives, which means we design our programs to suit the specific needs of leaders and managers.

We enjoy creating new ways to attract and motivate all participants – junior, experienced, even those who feel “over-trained”. We use real and specific situations from work environment of our participants, give them enough space to share their experience and provide our own recommendations based on our knowledge and experience. We are able to focus our programs in order to minimize the time demands and adjust them to fit the demanding schedules of managers. We regularly update the content of our trainings with current knowledge and lessons learned (agile methods, distant and virtual teams etc.).

We will help you create themes, structure and methodology for “leadership academy” programs, talents programs etc.

If you want your internal consultants to train certain topics/skill sets on their own, we will gladly ensure the transfer of our know-how to them.

Our coaching style is focused on delivering significant change for our clients. Not only we offer solid background in classical coaching methods, but we also pair our clients them with experienced experts to benefits from mentoring and other paths of development. At the same time, we provide our clients with direct help in dealing with challenging situations (demotivated team, high staff turnover, extreme work dedication, burnout syndrome, unsatisfying work-life balance). Read more about our approach to coaching.

We know how to help a top management team to change from a group of rulers of individual kingdoms into a unit formed of cooperating people trusting each other. To reach this goal, we will design a tailored program combining teambuilding, team coaching and inspirational meetings, for you.

With effective facilitation methodology we help top managerial teams to create strategies, or plan cultural and organizational changes.

Our facilitators have a mediation training; thus, they are able to reconcile the individual managers or even the whole teams where an agreement of both sides is seemingly impossible.


The aim of coaching is to support the clients in seeking solutions for both usual and demanding work and personal situations. We show them new perspectives, help them develop the skills they need to deal with the given situation better and, together with them, we set specific steps to reach whatever goals they may have. Our team consists of people with broad scale of life and work experiences – you can choose the right coach for yourself among them: the one who will not only ask the right questions but will also transfer the most useful know-how to you.

We coach managers and specialists at all levels of management. Our focus is on dealing with demanding work and personal situations and development of needed competencies (leadership and persuasiveness, negotiation, self-management, change implementation and accepting changes…). More and more often we come across burnout syndrome and problems with finding purpose at work, balancing personal and professional life, or redefining life priorities. We combine nondirective coaching methods with mentoring and individual training, and also with short-term support therapy in case it is needed.

A goal of team coaching is to make team processes clear, improve relationships, enhance effectiveness of communication channels, improve atmosphere and streamline cooperation within the team. We deliver team coaching as a “regular team maintenance”, or we sometimes implement it when a new team is being formed or when there are team composition changes. We often use team coaching as a tool for solving specific problem within team – in such cases we focus on diagnostics of causation, and lead team in solution seeking.

We develop internal company coaches in both nondirective and directive coaching methods, and in coaching and training skills.


We provide efficient methods of diagnosing levels of key skills and potential for growth in candidates for various (especially leadership) positions. We are well-experienced in designing model situations or attractive team assignments, and in role-play activities that respect specific needs of our clients. Our assessors are experienced consultants, often with own managerial practice.

We will tailor the design of suitable testing situations, both individual and group, and adjust the role plays so they would fit the practice of your candidates. In model situations we will design scripts and play the roles of “sparing partners”, so the candidates can demonstrate the competencies which you have identified as key.

We see development centres as one of the most effective ways to develop people. We give feedback and specific recommendations to the participants already during DC. After the DC, detailed report consisting of results from all activities will provide information of strengths and developmental needs, and will give specific recommendations for further development.

We will secure the whole process of employee selection for you – i.e. formulating and publishing your demands, evaluating CVs and selecting candidates for personal interviews, candidates testing, final recommendation for the position.

We use set of psychodiagnostics methods to deep-test candidates or current employees. Psychodiagnostics is always executed/carried out by our specially trained and qualified consultants with psychology degree. The output is a complex information of a personality, motivation and competencies of the person evaluated.

Analyses, consultations

Our well-experienced consultants can provide you with support in times of key decisions in company top management, i.e. adapting new strategy or company structure for new demands in market, dealing with changes in company culture, implementing innovative processes or uprating use of your employee or managerial potential.

It is always useful to have an experienced partner that can help you refine and systematize your ideas and thoughts, facilitate processes creation and strategies, or mediate differing opinions of key stakeholders.

We have vast experience in formulating meaningful company values which will attract your employees’ attention. We will help you design or revise a quality strategic plan or formulate meaningful vision of your company. According to your needs we will effectively combine individual consultations with facilitated workshops of the whole managerial team. We will also help you set key steps to change company culture.

CCMT is a useful tool for collecting objective data on company culture – i.e. on differences between real and proclaimed company culture, or, in other words, between current and ideal state. We usually conduct this survey in regards with change in company culture, either planned or one that has already occurred, or in regards with implementing new values into company, with mergers etc. Based on the outputs from CCMT, it is possible to deal with current problems in a targeted way and even prevent some of them completely.

CCMT can be used once only to optimize processes and increase the employees’ satisfaction, or repeatedly e.g. to conduct year-over-year analysis or assess impacts of implemented changes.

To design a working diversity plan it is necessary to know needs and opinions of all employees. With a help of DMT tool it is possible to quickly obtain relevant data and base meaningful future changes on them accordingly – that way the planned changes will react on current situation sensitively and will be accepted positively by all employees. The company’s management will get a possibility to prevent disadvantaging of particular groups of employees (e.g. because of age, gender or disability), which will contribute to higher job satisfaction and increased motivation of these employees.

To ensure the effectivity of needed processes or adequacy of staffing we implement process and personnel audits. The audits will enable management to obtain independent view of professional consultants as well as their expert recommendations for taking adequate precautions.

In audits we work with wide range of methodologies based on the specific demands. Assessment centrum, sometimes using psychodiagnostics when needed, often constitutes a part of personnel audit.

We like changes that are meaningful, purposeful and easily communicable. When planning a change, it is always key to keep implementation costs smaller than supposed benefits.

We will help you design realistic change implementation plans taking identified sources of resistance into account. We will help you prepare for persuasive presentation and communication of the change. We will professionally facilitate solve workshops and actively draw people into the change process.

Soft skills trainings

Investing in soft skills training will only pay back if the powerful and inspirational experience is properly exploited in everyday practice. That is why it is important to us that the participants work with model situations from their work environment, and apply new approaches on them, as much as possible during the trainings already. Owing to the fact that we know how to break the mental barriers between training and work reality, we can help the participants to reach a truly permanent change.

We design our trainings so they would fit the participants’ current needs and their schedules. We work with both groups and individuals; duration goes from half-day narrowly focused workshops to developmental series – “academies” – that span multiple days. Regarding the themes of our trainings, our consultant team covers these areas:

  • How to influence others without pressure and manipulation, but in a motivative way
  • How to sell an idea with storytelling and elegant presentation design
  • How to negotiate cooperatively and how to reason in difficult situations
  • How to manage an information and task overload with GTD and other time-management methods
  • How to recharge “personal battery” and maintain high levels of energy
  • How to manage stress and enhance optimism and satisfaction
  • How to cultivate growth mindset that helps with development on a long-term basis
  • How to develop own creativity
  • How to translate ideas into testable prototypes with design thinking and other agile methods
  • How to think better with mind maps
  • How to manage the process of innovative work in group


We see teambuilding as a way to find out that we can count on our colleagues not only during the “normal” situations but also during the unusual or demanding ones. Our motto is that “the more I know my colleagues, the more I can understand them and thus enjoy more effective communication and cooperation with them. Together we seek the courage to step into the unknown, surprise each other, have fun and look for new ways to use our strengths and minimize our weaknesses.

We see teambuilding activities as a starting point for deeper work with the team – from support of more open and honest communication or clarification of individual differences and needs to discussion of what possible changes in the team functioning should be adapted. Our “teambuilders” are soft skills trainers, consultants and team coaches at the same time, and as such are able to creatively react on various current or development needs of the team.

We will organize a private session in the mountain cottage for team consisting of five members, or a logistically challenging big event for 150 people – including selecting the right hotel, ensuring smooth transportation and providing catering services. We will select or adjust the activities so they would be attractive, doable for all generations in your team, and sufficiently diverse so every talent in your team would get a chance to shine.

We will organize the program for you in summer as well as in winter. Indoor and outdoor. In nature or in the city. When arranging the program, we can use our historical premises at Hradčanské náměstí so you can experience an adventure in the very heart of Prague. We know how to enrich your conference with two-hour teambuilding program, or tailor and completely arrange three-day off-site abroad. Even if you have time only for a dinner together, we will gladly take care of accompanying program – e.g. with help of a team quiz “Wine, women, men, song.”

Conferences, events

We can elevate your company event to a real deal, because we pay full attention not only to organization of the event but to its content as well. We have implemented tens of important events consisting of many aspects, from logistics, design and scenario of the program, to preparation of speakers for the event and the event’s moderation.

We will find a well-located hotel for your event, in the Czech Republic or abroad. We will take a full care of booking of the hotel and accommodation and transportation of the participants, as well as catering, communication with participants and speakers, moderation, interesting accompanying program and processing of the outputs after the event.

There are well-experienced moderators among our consultants – they have vast knowledge of company’s world which is why they are quick and to the point when reacting to the addressed themes. Our team of professional facilitators will help make your workshops and group discussions more effective – and we can also train your facilitators to do it instead of us.

We will help the presenters to get effective presentations and confident speeches that both themselves and the audience will enjoy.

We will design additional program for you in order to help the participants to create new ties, enhance relationships, recharge energy and get exquisite, unforgettable experiences. Depending on your demands, we can design the program to be playful, sporty, artist-y or gastronomical – you name it.

Development of healthcare providers

We focus on development of soft skills in healthcare on a long-term basis. We have implemented more than 7 000 healthcare professionals, including members of management of large hospitals. We also run consultations and analyses in strategy and development of healthcare facilities.

We offer unique programs for both patients and their families according to type of the illness and patients’ needs:

  • Patients’ and their families’ education about the illness, raising awareness about the illness and its treatment
  • Patient support in coping with their illness and its acceptance
  • Service in increasing patient compliance in treatment, leading to optimisation of the treatment’s efficiency as well as to improvement of the quality of the patients’ lives
  • Coordination of the patient’s therapeutic management as a whole
  • Mitigation of the burden of physicians and nurses in organisation of nursing care
  • More information

We help clients with leadership in organisations, leadership of teams or individuals – from management of health facilities to science team leadership or project management. Our support for management includes running analyses of the effective functioning of the whole organisation or the individual specialised departments.

  • Trainings in managerial skills for executives, physicians and nurses
  • Project management
  • Specifics of science team leadership
  • Analyses, personnel audits, assessments and employee selection
  • Coaching for management
  • Consultant support in change management

We educate medical staff in professional communication with patients and their relatives in both usual and demanding situations, such are communicating negative message, informing about undesirable prognosis or dealing with aggressive relatives. We focus on improvement of communication between colleagues – we train providing feedback, dealing with criticism, or solving conflicts. We develop presentation skills, we help design presentations for congresses in Czech, English and Spanish. We also train medical staff in many other themes such are: self-organisation, coping with stress, burnout syndrome etc.

All our trainings are designed specifically for healthcare, we base all our model situations and case studies on practice.

We focus on improvement of cooperation across different professions and specialisations within interdisciplinary and cooperating teams. We focus mainly on prevention and conflict resolution – sharing best practice, effective communication and cooperation, information transfer and providing constructive feedback.

  • Team coaching
  • Teambuilding
  • Setting rules of cooperation and communication at departments
  • Cooperation and communication among members of interdisciplinary teams, especially palliative ones
  • Conflict resolution in teams and among individuals